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NY PHILOMUSICA LIVE The French Influence Vincent d'Indy (1851 - 1931) Sonata in C. Op. 59 Naoko Tanaka, violin, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 1. Modere Track 2. Anime Track 3. Trees lent Track 4. Tres anime Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) Premiere Rhapsody (1909 - 1910) Joseph Rabbai, clarinet, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 5. Reveusement-Lent Cesar Franck (1822 - 1890) Sonata for Violin & Piano (1886) Track 6. Allegretto moderato Track 7. Allegro Track 8. Recitativo-Fantasia Track 9. Allegretto poco mosso
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NY PHILOMUSICA LIVE The French Influence Vincent d'Indy (1851 - 1931) Sonata in C. Op. 59 Naoko Tanaka, violin, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 1. Modere Track 2. Anime Track 3. Trees lent Track 4. Tres anime Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) Premiere Rhapsody (1909 - 1910) Joseph Rabbai, clarinet, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 5. Reveusement-Lent Cesar Franck (1822 - 1890) Sonata for Violin & Piano (1886) Track 6. Allegretto moderato Track 7. Allegro Track 8. Recitativo-Fantasia Track 9. Allegretto poco mosso



on 11 Jul 2019
Year of Creation
Registration Number
on 11 Jul 2019

Copyright Summary

The U.S. Copyright record (Registration Number: SR0000867050) dated 11 Jul 2019, pertains to an electronic file (eService) titled "NY PHILOMUSICA LIVE The French Influence Vincent d'Indy (1851 - 1931) Sonata in C. Op. 59 Naoko Tanaka, violin, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 1. Modere Track 2. Anime Track 3. Trees lent Track 4. Tres anime Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) Premiere Rhapsody (1909 - 1910) Joseph Rabbai, clarinet, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 5. Reveusement-Lent Cesar Franck (1822 - 1890) Sonata for Violin & Piano (1886) Track 6. Allegretto moderato Track 7. Allegro Track 8. Recitativo-Fantasia Track 9. Allegretto poco mosso" created in 2013. The copyright holder is NY Philomusica Chamber Ensemble, dba NY Philomusica Records, known for their creative contributions in sound recording registration. For any inquiries concerning this copyrighted material, kindly reach out to NY Philomusica Chamber Ensemble, dba NY Philomusica Records.

Application Details

Registration Number
Registration Date
Year of Creation
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Record Status
Corporate Author
NY Philomusica Chamber Ensemble NY Philomusica Records
Physical Description
Compact disk (CD)
First Publication Nation
United States


Rights Note: Arthur Robert Johnson, NY Philomusica Chamber Ensemble, 105 W 73 St, Apt 4C, New York, NY, 10023, United States, (212) 580-9933, (845) 570-0224 xcell, arobertjohnson@nyphilomusica.org
Local Copyright Note: C.O. correspondence


Application Title Statement: NY PHILOMUSICA LIVE The French Influence Vincent d'Indy (1851 - 1931) Sonata in C. Op. 59 Naoko Tanaka, violin, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 1. Modere Track 2. Anime Track 3. Trees lent Track 4. Tres anime Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918) Premiere Rhapsody (1909 - 1910) Joseph Rabbai, clarinet, Christopher Oldfather, piano Track 5. Reveusement-Lent Cesar Franck (1822 - 1890) Sonata for Violin & Piano (1886) Track 6. Allegretto moderato Track 7. Allegro Track 8. Recitativo-Fantasia Track 9. Allegretto poco mosso
Author Statement: NY Philomusica Chamber Ensemble, dba NY Philomusica Records employer for hire Citizenship: United States Authorship: sound recording of entire concert
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